August 2024 Kundalini Yoga Series: The Power of Bandhas, Unlocking Inner Potential

The core of Kundalini yogic teachings is a technology designed to awaken the potential of the individual. By harnessing the intelligence of the physical and subtle somatic systems, we can awaken ourselves to higher consciousness.

In practice, the bandhas are yogic techniques to unlock this transformative experience.

Bandhas are physical exercises that involve constriction of specific areas of the body to block and redirect the flow of energy. This redirection increases energy flow in the opposite direction, gently releasing more pranic energy for conscious awakening. While bandhas can be practiced on their own, they are often interwoven into kriya and meditation practices.

In this four-week series, we will explore the three main body locks in yoga: mul bandha (root lock), uddiyana bandha (diaphragm lock), and jalandhara bandha (neck lock). When all three are applied at once, it is called Maha Bandha. According to the Kundalini yogic tradition (and other forms of yoga) these three bandhas act directly on the three granthis, or psychic knots. These knots create dormancy of body, emotions, and intellect, and must be untied on the path to awakening. Each week, we will focus on one bandha, culminating in the practice of Maha Bandha.

The Three Granthis

Untying the Three Knots of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

The granthis, or spiritual knots, are crucial concepts in yogic philosophy, particularly in the context of Kundalini awakening. These knots, situated along the Sushumna Nadi, correlate with the main chakras and represent psycho-emotional and energetic barriers that can impede spiritual progress. The three primary granthis are the Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi, and Rudra (Shiva) Granthi, each playing a pivotal role in the journey towards enlightenment.

The Brahma Granthi is located at the Muladhara (root) and Svadhisthana (sacral) chakras. It is fundamentally linked to our basic survival instincts and attachment to the material world. This granthi embodies challenges related to physical needs, desires, and the fear of change. Overcoming the Brahma Granthi involves transcending these attachments and realizing the transient nature of physical existence. Practices such as grounding yoga poses, meditation focused on detachment, and affirmations like “I am more than my physical self. My true essence is eternal and unbounded” can aid in untying this knot, allowing the Kundalini energy to ascend beyond the lower chakras.

The Vishnu Granthi, situated between the Manipura (solar plexus) and Anahata (heart) chakras, represents emotional attachment and ego-driven behaviors. It is associated with personal power, passion, and the complexities of emotional relationships. Struggles with this granthi manifest as difficulties in balancing emotions, maintaining healthy relationships, and nurturing self-love. To navigate the Vishnu Granthi, one must embrace practices that open the heart and foster compassion, such as loving-kindness meditation and emotional release techniques. Affirmations like “I lovingly embrace my emotions and relationships, growing in compassion and understanding” can support the process of overcoming this granthi.

The Rudra (Shiva) Granthi is found between the Vishuddha (throat) and Ajna (third eye) chakras, extending to the Sahasrara (crown) chakra. This knot is linked to intellectual attachments and mental patterns, representing challenges in wisdom, intuition, and spiritual connection. Overcoming the Rudra Granthi is essential for achieving spiritual liberation, as it involves transcending personal beliefs and prejudices to realize a greater universal truth. Practices that enhance intuition and spiritual understanding, such as meditation, journaling for self-reflection, and studying spiritual texts, are vital in untying this knot. Affirmations like “I trust my inner wisdom and connect deeply with my spiritual essence” can facilitate this journey toward higher consciousness.

In summary, the granthis play a critical role in the Kundalini awakening process, each representing specific psycho-emotional and energetic challenges. By understanding and working to overcome the Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra granthis through dedicated spiritual practices and affirmations, one can progress towards greater self-awareness, inner peace, and ultimate enlightenment.

Goals for the August Kundalini Yoga Series

Awaken Pranic Energy:

Utilize the practice of bandhas to gently release and enhance pranic energy within the body, facilitating conscious awakening and heightened awareness. Learn what are and how to engage the bandhas correctly.

Promote Physical and Mental Alignment:

Regularly practice bandhas to improve muscle tone, spinal alignment, and relieve unnecessary tension, thereby harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit.

Enhance Energy Flow:

Redirect neurobiological energies into the central channel of the spine (shushmana nadi) to sustain inner strength and encourage free energy movement, fostering spiritual awakening.

Untie the Psychic Knots:

Focus on untying the three granthis (knots) of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva through the application of moola bandha, uddiyana bandha, and jalandhara bandha, respectively, to overcome dormancy in body, emotions, and intellect.

Integrate Bandhas into Daily Practice:

Incorporate bandhas into kriya and meditation practices to consolidate efforts, direct prana and apana within the body, and promote overall healing, energizing, and strengthening of the human being.

Thank you! I would love to see you in class, live on Zoom each Sunday at 9 AM Pacific Time

Anne Taylor, Ph.D.

Join in after class and share! Community Integration Time is a vital part of our sessions, offering a unique opportunity to connect on a deeper level. This post-class gathering allows you to share your insights and experiences, fostering a supportive and understanding environment. By listening to others, you gain new perspectives and a sense of camaraderie that enriches your personal journey. This time of collective reflection and dialogue is not just an add-on but a cornerstone of our practice, enhancing the benefits of the class and building a strong, cohesive community.