Meditation for a calm heart

“At the still point, there the dance is.” —T. S. Eliot, “Four Quartets”

Stress relief with calm heart meditation
Stress relief with calm heart meditation

Tune In: Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo (chanted three times)

Body Posture: Sit in easy pose (cross legged on the floor), in a chair, or bed; maintain a straight spine.

Mudra (hand positions): Place the left palm over your heart center with four fingers parallel to the ground, pointing right. Place right hand in Gyan Mudra (thumb and index finger press). Raise right hand up with bent elbow as if pledging, three remaining fingers straight up.

Eye Focus (Dhrist): Eyes are closed or 9/10th closed.

Mantra: Silence, focus on the breath.

The Meditation: Inhale slowly and consciously through both nostrils 5-10 seconds. Suspend the breath as long as you comfortably can. Then exhale slowly 5-10 seconds through the nostrils. Hold the breath out for as long as you comfortably can.

Time: 3 minutes building up to 11 minutes (no longer than 31 minutes).

End: Inhale deeply and exhale completely, repeat twice more.

Checkpoint: If the mind wanders (and it will) simply return to the breath.

Contraindication: Non-strenuous. If you become dizzy, stop, take a few normal breaths and slowly begin again.

Benefits: Practicing this meditation creates a still point for the concentration of prana (life force energy) at the heart center. Strengthens the lungs and heart.
Rebuilds the autonomic nervous system by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. Improves vagal nerve tonality as evidenced by increasing heart coherence.

Source: Originally taught to the West by Yogi Bhajan, September 1981.
HRV Feedback (optional): save HRV session for 40 day trending. Remember to select one meditation that appeals to you for whatever reason. Practice it until to you know it well, and can do it for 11 minutes. Then begin the 40 days of continued practice. If you miss a day, begin the 40 days again.