Inner Journeys: Integrating Microdosing with Depth Psychology and Yogic Wisdom

In today’s fast-paced, modern world, many of us have lost touch with our authentic selves. We live in a society that often dictates who we should be, what we should value, and how we should live our lives. This disconnection from our true nature leads to a profound sense of emptiness, a loss of soul, and the pervasive feelings of depression and anxiety that are all too common in our times.

“Inner Journeys” is a transformative digital course designed to guide you back to your authentic self, helping you to rediscover your life’s purpose, or dharma, and align with your true North Star. This course is a journey of self-discovery, utilizing the powerful tools of Microdosing, Depth Psychology, and Kundalini Yoga to facilitate a deep and meaningful dialogue between your conscious mind and the higher intelligence of your Self.

The journey begins with an exploration of the problem at hand: the estrangement from our true selves and the process of Individuation, a journey towards self-realization and wholeness. We delve into the ways in which our modern lifestyle has led us astray and lay the groundwork for the transformative journey ahead.

We possess the inherent right to embody our authentic selves, free from the expectations and impositions of external forces. This course aims to break the chains of societal expectations, allowing you to live authentically and in alignment with your true self. Meditation stands as a proven and reliable method for grounding and steadying our awareness in a way that psychedelics cannot do. Through the practices of Kundalini Yoga, we will cultivate a meditative state that fosters a profound and lasting connection with our inner world.

“The full richness and complexity of a person’s being are truly revealed only when the key aspects of their personality transition from latent potential within the unconscious to active expression in conscious life.”

Anne Taylor

This course is your pathway to actualizing your potential, bringing forth the richness of your being into conscious awareness.

Jung noted that a significant portion of modern-day mental turmoil, characterized by a sense of disintegration and a lack of purpose, stems from the disconnection between our conscious ego and the unconscious mind. Our course addresses this isolation head-on, creating a bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms.

Being isolated from our unconscious mind is tantamount to being estranged from our soul and our spiritual essence. The disconnected unconscious psyche can only reassert itself through manifestations of mental distress and physical symptoms, indicative of underlying psycho-spiritual issues. By engaging in this work, you are choosing to reconnect with your soul, to live a life of depth and meaning.

Individuation is the term Jung used to refer to the lifelong process of becoming the complete human beings we were born to be. Individuation is the process of our reintegration of cut-off portions of ourselves, a process of becoming whole.  

Inner Journeys kickstarts you on your path of individuation, supporting you in waking up to your total self.

People have boxed themselves into a corner, or so it seems, with job and family obligations and the stressors of the modern world. If a person is not on a path of authenticity, the unconscious will serve as the guidance system to get you back on track. “What wants to come through you?” asks renowned Jungian psychoanalyst, James Hollis. This course invites you to explore this question, to uncover the desires of your soul, and to live a life true to yourself.

For those who may have reservations about microdosing psychedelic mushrooms due to legality or personal preference, there are legal alternatives such as Kanna which can be used in conjunction with this course. This plant can also facilitate a connection with the unconscious and support your journey of self-discovery. Learn more about Kanna and its benefits. (As with any substance, check with your healthcare provider before imbibing).

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson 1. Introduction to Microdosing